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✅   Top-notch affordable life cover
✅   Critical illness, income protection and more
✅   Underwritten by UK's leading insurers

Water sports life insurance, income protection and critical illness cover

Millions of people in the UK engage in various water sports each year, benefiting both their physical and mental well-being. Active participation in these activities amidst our abundant coastlines, seas, lakes, and rivers enhances fitness and reduces stress levels. However, the allure of water sports also presents unique insurance challenges.
WeCovr is a premier specialist in life insurance, critical illness cover, and income protection, dedicated to assisting individuals involved in potentially hazardous sports and hobbies, including water sports like sailing, water skiing, and diving, in obtaining suitable coverage.
Are you worried that your family will suffer if you have an accident or even die while practicing your favourite water sport or hobby?
WeCovr works with a panel of expert experienced insurance advisers who cover all insurance underwriters active in the UK market, including those happy to underwrite life insurance for water sports enthusiasts. Most water sports are not considered dangerous if practiced recreationally, however they all carry the potential of being practiced at an extreme sports level. Water sports require both considerable skill and physical ability to avoid poor execution, which may result in considerable risk of serious physical harm to the participant of the sport. Therefore, it is very important for people practicing water sports to have life insurance cover from underwriters who understand their activities to make sure they are covered properly.
WeCovr helps water sports participants practicing higher-risk activities find life insurance, income protection and critical illness cover, while saving them money. WeCovr works with only FCA-authorised insurance experts that specialise in underwriting higher-risk lifestyle activities. They are not tied to any one insurance provider, which allows them to provide you with the most affordable insurance offers if you are involved in water sports of various degrees of risk, including:
  • Diving, including scuba diving and free diving
  • Surfing
  • Skimboarding
  • Snorkeling
  • SUPing or stand up paddleboarding
  • Kayaking
  • Canoeing
  • Rafting
  • Waterskiing
  • Sailing
  • Rowing
  • Kite surfing
  • Windsurfing
  • Flyboard Flying
  • Spinnaker Flying
  • Jet Surfing
  • Wakeboarding
  • and many others
Similarly to other adrenaline sports, water sports life insurance is usually available at standard rates if practiced at an amateur level or recreationally. If practiced at a more serious or professional level, life insurance for water sports may be more challenging to obtain with no or a minimal increase in premium due to the increased risks relating to the water sport activity in question. Professional water sports participants would often find that they need to apply to a specialist insurance provider because of the risks involved.
The cost of life insurance is going to vary with the specific type of activities undertaken as a water sport. For example, lake swimming will be seen as lower risk than deep scuba diving. This will require additional underwriting from an insurer resulting in higher insurance premiums. Mainstream insurers' premiums are likely to be higher or they may sometimes even exclude your water sports activities from standard life insurance cover. If you let a specialist like WeCovr assist you. we work with experts who specialise in higher risk pursuits and professions and we will aim for your water activities to be included as part of your policy with affordable premiums.

Water Sports Life Insurance - questions you may be asked

Underwriters covering people practicing water sports such as surfing, waterskiing, scuba cave or deep-sea diving with life insurance, critical illness cover and income protection will normally want to understand at what level you practice these sports along with the time spent on them. They need this to provide you with an accurate and affordable water sports insurance premium. Specifically, water sports life insurance premiums depend on a number of parameters such as:
  • Type of water sports that you practice
  • How frequently do you practice the sport?
  • What level of activity do you practice it at - ranging from amateur to pro level
  • If you practice diving, amongst others, what depth, durations and locations do you dive in?
  • Equipment or apparatus employed
  • If you hold any professional qualifications in the sports you take part in?
Sometimes, people taking part in water sports struggle to find affordable life insurance and other related covers, yet this protection is an important tool they need to have for their families and their own financial well-being. That's why WeCovr's experts are passionate about helping people participating in water sports to secure a great affordable life insurance, critical illness cover and income protection.

Water sports Income protection

WeCovr's experts can provide not only competitive life insurance and critical illness, but also income protection cover quotes for water sports participants. If you are unable to work due to illness or injury, by having income protection cover you will be paid a regular income. Typically, the policy will pay out after a pre-agreed period which can vary from one month to one year after you make a claim.
As with life insurance cover, the riskier your activity, the higher the perceived risk; if you are practicing more dangerious water sports, your income protection cover premiums are likely to be higher than for less riskier activities due to the additional underwriting required by the insurer. Income protection for water sports at more extreme activities may include an exclusion for any illness or injury resulting from that sport. The common questions asked to provide you with a quote are similar to the ones above for life insurance quote above.

Water sports critical illness cover

Critical illness cover's purpose is to pay out a lump sum if you have to go through a medical procedure or are diagnosed with a critical illness and survive at least ten days from diagnosis. The lump sum amount is to assist dependents financially while letting you concentrate on your diagnosis and recovery without having to worry about finances. water sports critical illness cover is usually approved without exclusions and at standard rates for recreational level sports participants. If practiced at an extreme or competitive level, you may encounter an exclusion on your critical illness cover policy for that activity.
The list of illnesses that are part of critical illness cover may include, but are not limited to some of the following:
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Blindness
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Some types of cancer
  • Heart attack
  • Stroke
  • Loss of a limb
  • Motor neurone disease
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Liver or kidney failure
To offer you best value-for-money insurance plans, WeCovr's insurance partners will need to ask several questions, including:
  • How long do you want your policy to last?
  • Do you want level or decreasing cover?
  • Do you want to add a terminal benefit to your critical illness cover?
Water sports activities are a great fun, but can also be risky which may lead to higher insurance premiums. Be smart, don't delay getting insured any longer - get a free, no-obligation quote today for your water sports life insurance, income protection and/or critical illness cover – protect yourself and your family. It's important for everyone and especially people involved in any water sports activities!

Benefits offered by income protection, life and critical illness insurance

Life insurance, income protection and critical illness insurance are indispensable for every family because a child loses a parent every 22 minutes in the UK, while every single day tragically 60 people suffer major injuries on the UK roads. Some people become unable to work because of sickness or disability.

Life insurance cover pays out a lump sum to your family, loved ones or whomever you choose to get the money. This can be used to secure the financial future of your loved ones meaning they would not have to struggle financially in the event of your death.

If it's a critical illness cover, the payout happens sooner - upon diagnosis of a serious illness, disability or medical condition, easing the financial hardship such an event inevitably brings.

Income protection insurance can be very important for anyone who relies on a pay check to cover their living costs, but it's especially important if you’re self-employed or own a small business, where your employment and income is a bit less stable. It pays a regular income if you can't work because of sickness or disability and continues until you return to paid work or you retire.

In a world where 1 in 4 of us would struggle financially after just four weeks without work, the stark reality hits hard – a mere 7% of UK adults possess the vital shield of income protection. The urgency of safeguarding our financial well-being has never been more palpable.

Let's face it – relying on savings isn't a solution for everyone. Almost 25% of people have no savings at all, and a whopping 50% have £1,000 or less tucked away. Even more concerning, 51% of Brits – that's a huge 27 million people – wouldn't last more than one month living off their savings. That's a 10% increase from 2022.

And don't even think about state benefits being a safety net. The maximum you can expect from statutory sick pay is a mere £109.40 per week for up to 28 weeks. Not exactly a financial lifeline, right?

Now, let's tackle a common objection: "But I have critical illness insurance. I don't need income protection too." Here's the deal – the two policies apply to very different situations. In a nutshell:

  • Critical illness insurance pays a single lump sum if you're diagnosed with or undergo surgery for a specified potentially life-threatening illness. It's great for handling big one-off expenses or debts.
  • Income protection, on the other hand, pays a percentage of your salary as a regular payment if you can't work due to illness or injury. It's the superhero that tackles those relentless monthly bills.

Types of life insurance policies

Common reasons for getting a life insurance policy are to:
✅ Leave behind an amount of money to keep your family comfortable
✅ Protect the family home and pay off the mortgage in full or in part
✅ Pay for funeral costs

Starting from as little as a couple of pounds per week, you can do all that with a Life Policy.

Level Term Life Insurance
One of the simplest forms of life insurance, level term life insurance works by selecting a length of time for which you would want to be covered and then deciding how much you would like your loved ones to receive should the worst happen. Should your life insurance policy pay out to your family, it would be in a lump sum amount that can be used in whatever way the beneficiary may wish.

Decreasing Term Life Insurance
Decreasing term life insurance works in the same way as level term, except the lump sum payment amount upon death decreases with time. The common use for decreasing term life cover is to protect against mortgage repayment as the lump sum decreases along with the principal of the mortgage itself.

Increasing Term Life Insurance
Increasing term life insurance aims to pay out a cash sum growing each year if the worst happens while covered by the policy. With increasing term life cover amount insured increases annually by a fixed amount for the length of the policy. This can protect your policy's value against inflation, which could be advantageous if you’re looking to maintain your loved ones’ living standards, continue paying off your mortgage in line with its repayment schedule and cover your children’s education fees.

Whole of Life Insurance
Whereas term life insurance policies only pay out if you pass away during their term, whole of life insurance pays out to your beneficiaries whenever this should happen. The most common uses for whole life insurance are to cover the costs of a funeral or as a vehicle for your family's inheritance tax planning.

Family Income Benefit
Family income benefit is a somewhat lesser-known product in the family of life insurance products. Paying out a set amount every month of year to your beneficiaries, it is the most cost-effective way of maintaining your family's living standards to an age where you'd expect them to be able to support themselves financially. The most common use would be for a family with children who are not working yet so are unable to take care of themselves financially.

Relevant Life Insurance
Relevant Life Insurance is a tax-efficient policy for a director or single employee. A simple level term life insurance product, it is placed in a specific trust to ensure its tax efficiency. The premiums are tax deductible and any benefit payable should a claim arise is also paid out tax free, which makes it an attractive product for entrepreneurs and their businesses.

Important tips you MUST know before you buy Life Insurance to avoid a terrible mistake

1. Picking the type of cover and the term you need can save you many thousands over 20 years

Though an agent or adviser can help, this question is completely down to you. The main thing to consider is what is the reason for getting life insurance and what will the payout be used for. If it is for funeral expenses you probably want to insist on a whole of life insurance policy - these typically pay less commission to the agent than term policies so you might need to ask specifically for a whole of life quote.

Whole of life insurance means you are covered until you die, regardless of how long you live for. As you are looking for your funeral to be covered and no-one knows when they are going to die, whole of life is the only way to guarantee a pay-out.

If, on the other hand, you have young children and you want to make sure that should the worst happen your kids don't suffer financial hardship, then you probably need a term life insurance policy. This is much, much cheaper then whole of life insurance. For example, let's say you are a 40 year old and you have two kids aged 5 and 7. You need life insurance as you know if anything happens to you there will be a huge reduction in the household income and possibly an increase in childcare costs. You still need the roof over their heads, food on the table and clothes on their backs, so they will need financial help to avoid being forced to move house and rely on state help.

So let's say you think £250,000 will get the mortgage paid off and leave some money behind to ensure they don't suffer financially. On a whole of life basis this will cost you at least £165 every single month. Or, you can get a lower cost term policy to age 90 for a much more reasonable £39 per month. But, wait a second, the reason for the cover was for your young kids aged 5 and 7 to make sure they don't suffer financially, right? So when your 90 years old, your kids will be in their 50's.....older than you are right now! The mortgage will be paid off and the kids will (hopefully) be earning their own money by then and buying their own food and clothes.

So let's look at matching the term to the reason you need the cover in the first place......think roughly what age will your kids no longer be financially dependent upon you. Even play it safe a little, say when they are 25 and 27. Okay so we can look at a 20 year term, meaning if anything happens to you while the kids are financially dependent on you, there is £250,000 to help them out. This brings the cost down for the same level of cover to only £15 per month.

Total cost over 20 years for the £250,000 of cover:

Whole of Life = £39,770
Term to 90 = £23,400
20-year term family protection = £3,600 (£36,170 saving on Whole of Life and £19,800 saving against term to 90)

These are pretty big savings and money that can be spent on enjoying life!

2. Non-disclosure could see your claim declined or cut in half

The answers you give on the medical application are YOUR responsibility. You will be warned to answer all questions truthfully and accurately otherwise a policy may not pay out in the event of a claim. But what if you miss a question or the agent you speak to doesn't put it in the application?

Well these mistakes could cost your family tens of thousands of pounds. Let's take the smoking question as an example, typically they will ask if you have smoked or used tobacco products in the last 12 months. Let's say you say to the agent that you used to smoke, but haven't for about a year. If the agent just puts in "no" and it turns out that your doctor records show you still smoked 8 months ago, the provider could decrease the payout by around half.

So you might have insured yourself for £100,000 to cover your mortgage and leave money for the kids, but the policy pays out £50,000 which might not even cover the mortgage.

Worse still if a serious medical condition is not disclosed that would have resulted in the provider not offering terms, the claim will be declined and all your family will get is their premiums returned.

3. Don't fund the taxman

Ask about trust. Putting your policy into trust can save thousands in inheritance tax and probate costs. Inheritance tax could swipe up to 40% of the value of the policy out your families hands into the tax mans pocket. You can use our inheritance tax calculator to estimate your potential inheritance tax liability and savings or you can ask your agent or provider for a trust form and ask them to help you fill it out. This is free, but the savings can be tens of thousands of pounds for your family when they need it most.

4. Watch out for loaded premiums from banks and mortgage advisers!

This is a tactic used by many banks and some mortgage and financial advisers. Basically they take the standard premium then hike on an extra amount to get more commission.

Easy way to check though, go to a site like WeCovr where you can get an expert to provide you a range of quotes. If your bank or adviser loads their premiums, the policy you are getting is identical but can cost you 20% more....which over the term could cost you thousands.

As an example we looked at Santander who offer life insurance from Aviva. The results were shocking! Everything is the same - same date of birth, same smoking status, same policy term, same amount of life insurance and crucially, the same provider. So why is the "discounted" Santander policy nearly £5 more expensive every month? Well we don't know the exact details of the commercial arrangement, but you have to assume the extra is going into the bank's back pockets.

So watch out for big banks and their discounts and loyalty bonuses, really they are just discounting an already massively inflated price.

5. It's not cheaper going direct, in fact it can be more expensive

An extremely common myth is going direct to the insurer will save you money because they don't need to pay commission to the broker. This is true, but they do need to pay for their advertising, their staff and overheads. With a broker they only pay if you buy, so often brokers can get lower prices than going direct to the provider.

If you want the best price, you're almost always going to get the best deal from a broker.

Why is it important to get life insurance early?

👉 Many people are very thankful that they had their life, income protection, and critical illness insurance cover in place before running into some serious issues. Critical illness and income protection insurance is as important as life insurance for protecting your family's finances.

👉 We insure our cars, houses, bicycles and even bags! Yet our life and health are the most precious things we have.

Easily one of the most important insurance purchases an individual or family can make in their lifetime, the decision to buy life, income protection, critical illness and private medical health insurance can be made much simpler with the help of FCA-authorised advisers. They are the specialists who do the searching and analysis helping people choose between various types of life insurance policies available in the market, including income protection, critical illness and other types of policies most suitable to the client's individual circumstances.

It certainly won't do any harm if you speak with one of our experienced FCA-authorised insurance partner experts who are passionate about advising people on financial matters related to life insurance and are keen to provide you with a free consultation.

You can discuss with them in detail what affordable life, income protection, critical illness or private medical health insurance plan for the necessary peace of mind they would recommend! WeCovr works with some of the best advisers in the market.

By tapping the button below, you can book a free call with them in less than 30 seconds right now:

Compare insurance plans suitable for your circumstances from these insurers and more

AIGZurichLegal&GeneralAvivaAllianzScottish WidowsMetlifeHSBCGuardianRoyal London

It's as easy as 1, 2, 3!

1. Complete a brief form

2. Our experts will find and discuss your quotes

3. Enjoy your protection!



Who Are WeCovr?

WeCovr is an insurance specialist for people valuing their peace of mind and a great service.

👍 WeCovr will help you get your life insurance, critical illness insurance, private medical health insurance, over-50s funeral insurance and senior life insurance quote in no time thanks to our wonderful super-friendly expert partners ready to assist you every step of the way.

Just a quick and simple form and an easy conversation with our FCA-authorised life insurance, critical illness insurance and private medical insurance partner experts and your valuable insurance policy is in place for that needed peace of mind!

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The guidance contained within the website is subject to the UK regulatory regime and is therefore targeted at customers in the UK. A FCA regulated expert will contact you after you submit your details to discuss further. WeCovr is a trading style of Political And Credit Risks Ltd which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. FCA Number 735613.